While struggling a bit with my personal task management system recently, I started taking a look at the current version of Omnifocus. I was a big fan a number of years ago, but had since moved to Todoist so I could share projects and tasks with my Wife. Recently I’ve been in a rut and just not super motivated to complete any of my personal projects. Some of my projects seemed too daunting and difficult and I just had an overwhelming volume of things on my list.

So I was watching some YouTube videos on Omnifocus and came accross The Omni Show - Ep 136 - How Jamie Thingelstad Uses OmniFocus. I ended up signing up to Jamie’s newsletter and found his personal site in the process. It was such a clean and simple site that I had to message him to find out what system he was using. He was happy to respond and told me it was a Micro.blog site with the “Tiny Theme” installed.

I had used Micro.blog many years ago after Jean MacDonald talked about it at MacStock. We setup a blog for the birth of our baby girl, but eventually had stopped posting and I ended up shutting it down.

I got a new account created with Micro.blog and within a couple hours I had my new site up and running with a few customizations I had replicated from the splash page I had setup previously. I still need to do some tweaking and adding more content. Please check back soon as I add much more to this site and to see what I’m up to, what I’m working on and what I find interesting!

Thank you again Jamie for the inspiration and information!

Welcome all to CyberBob City!